I love free things.
We have one of those Redbox kiosks at our local Walmart and if you sign up online you can actually get a text message every monday for a free movie! So that’s sort of been my cheap family tradition that the kids look forward to every Monday. They usually get a kid’s movie and then I rent one for myself.
This time, the kids got this frog cartoon movie and I got a movie called: Wanted
“Wanted” is about a guy stuck in his boring account manager job and finds out that his true calling is to be an assassin. So, naturally, he begins his “training” by getting the snot beat out of him until he can answer the question, “Why are you here?” He finally gets it right and says, “Because I don’t know who I am.” and that’s when he really gets serious about his training. He needed to come to a place where who he was or thought he was really didn’t matter, as much as who he was destined to be: A kick-butt assassin like his daddy!
I was learning in Sunday School this week that when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree that God forbade them to eat, they suddenly were self-aware. They realized they were naked, not just externally, but internally as well. They lost their innocence and became focused on themselves. Since then, the pattern has never changed. The more aware of ourselves we are, the more that it’s “all about us” and the more selfish we become; the more we fall short of what God destines us to be. Like the old hymn, we need to “turn our eyes upon Jesus” and get them off ourselves.
Like graduating from a boring account manager position and into the exciting life of an assassin, we will never realize our true calling until we can answer the question, “Why are you here?” with an answer that speaks less of what we want out of life and more so of what God wants. When we give up our right to ourselves and decide to wholeheartedly become a follower of Jesus Christ we realize our true potential. Why? Because Jesus is the originator and giver of life.
He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. – John 1:2-4
It’s foolish to think we can live a full life, without the Originator of Life. It’s time to graduate.
CLICK HERE to watch a preview of “Wanted”….I’m featured on it towards the end!
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